Panchkula: A 74-year-old was duped of Rs 6.08 lakh in an online fraud after he was lured into stock trading. The cyber cell police have registered a case. Satish Kumar Bajaj, resident of Sector 7 and a retired banker, alleged that on April 5 he came across an advertisement of a trading company on Facebook.The victim registered himself on the link given in the advertisement and obtained a membership. He was asked to download a mobile application for trading. He was also given instructions on his WhatsApp from various mobile numbers on how to trade. The victim invested a total of Rs 6.08 lakh in different transactions. He was told that his invested money has turned into Rs 88.19 lakh.When the victim tried to take out his invested money, he failed to do so. When he asked the unknown person on chat, he was told to deposit 30% of the total earned money as tax and he will be allowed to take out the money. The victim got suspicious and denied making any payment. Later, he came to know that his account had been blocked.The victim filed a complaint with the police, and a case has been registered under sections 406 (punishment for criminal breach of trust) and 420 (cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property). SI Sandeep Kumar, the investigation officer, said: “The investigation is under progress.” tnn
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