The collaboration is to deliver Multiply’s popular ‘Budgeting for Life’ course, developing the numeracy confidence of residents across Gwynedd, Môn, Conwy, and Denbighshire.
Earlier this month, the course was conducted at Crest’s Llandudno Junction base as part of their Assisted Community Employment (ACE) scheme.
This three-month programme is designed to help individuals in short-term employment find long-term work.
Andrew Clark, in-work support coordinator at Crest, said: “The candidates on the placement with us are moving into employment and they’re from a range of different backgrounds.
“Budgeting is important for them so they can manage their money from possibly new positions, or coming from unemployment to employment -understanding issues surrounding moving on to monthly pay, moving on to weekly pay, to help them understand that in their working life.”
He added: “We hope this gives everyone the confidence to manage their money properly.
“When they do move on to becoming fully employed, it’s knowing they’ve got the confidence when they’re told by their next employer it’s monthly pay, and they will know how to cope with stretching out and budgeting throughout the four weeks that they might not be paid.”
Crest staff at a Multiply session (Image: Grŵp Llandrillo Menai)
Rhian Garner, a learner from the session, said: “We’ve been going through expenditure and income and seeing what we’ve got left and ways of saving money.”
She added: “If you are struggling and you don’t know how to manage your income, then it’s ideal to come and sit with other people and brainstorm, to get ideas like we have done here.”
Multiply tutor Stephen Jones discussed the objective of the course, which goes beyond merely saving money.
He said: “This course is about helping people save money and look at where they can make savings in life.”
He added: “We all have to live within means these days, and sometimes it can be quite eye-opening to kind of see where the pennies add up or where you can make savings in life.
“If a course is free and it interests you, then you’ve got nothing to lose.”