The average property price in Chelmsford is £395,201, according to HM Land Registry UK House Price Index. The area has seen 3.10% yearly growth, significantly higher than the UK average price growth of 0.20%.

In addition, HM Land Registry puts the average UK house price at £291,044, making Chelmsford 30.35% more expensive than the rest of the country.

If we break down Chelmsford property types, investors can expect to pay (on average) £706,875 for a detached property, £433,758 for a semi-detached house, £339,487 for a terraced house, and £227,766 for a flat.

The latest Savills Residential Property Market Forecast shows that the South East of England is expected to see 16.7% capital growth between now and 2028 – the UK’s predicted capital growth is 17.9%.

Further reading: If you’re a non-UK resident buying UK property, you may be interested in our guide to buying property from overseas. We also have a guide to buying property as a limited company.

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