
1:11 Financial education and the Renaissance Foundation

6:15 The fund

8:27 Practical considerations of the City of London Youth Investment Fund

10:12 Co-chairs of the fund Ananya Chowdhury and Wahid Uddin

12:29 How to bring investing to life for young people

13:46 John’s entry into investing

15:16 The investing approach to the fund

16:36 Balancing risk and range of a fund

17:52 How investing changes when it’s collaborative versus personal

18:46 Will their fund be more company or fund-focused?

21:33 What success would look like for the fund 23:48 Sharing investing styles

27:37 The importance of dividends

29:01 John’s portfolio & Lok’n Store

34:20 PZ Cussons

41:22 Listener questions

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