The gender pay gap currently stands at 14.3pc according to analysis of pay data by the Trades Union Congress (TUC), meaning at current rates it would take at least another 20 years to close.

The gender pension gap sits at 40.5pc.

The Opinium survey revealed that it was the “squeezed middle” generation of women aged 35-54 who had the largest divergence from male counterparts, with just 19pc investing compared to 36pc of men.

HL’s Financially Fearless ‘Why Women Invest’ report released this March also revealed that attitudes in the childhood home had a large impact on whether women grew up to be investors.

Fathers are still more likely to talk to sons about money, markets and wealth.

Unsurprisingly, women who grew up openly discussing investments with their family were more likely to become investors themselves.

However, change is happening.

Women are creating wealth faster than any other period in history and it is estimated that 70pc of global wealth will be in the hands of women within the next two generations.

In 2019, 23.3pc of households had a female breadwinner versus 19.8pc in 2004 and 89pc of women say they have their own money – which is unlike previous generations. 

How should women invest?

The first point is obvious: if you can invest, do.

The adage is true, it is not timing the market but time in the market which has the biggest contribution to positive returns. 

Prioritise your pension – particularly if you are employed.

The earnings threshold for automatic enrolment is £10,000, but if you earn more than £6,240 then you can ask to be enrolled in your workplace pension scheme and benefit from a top-up from your employer.

Women are still more likely to work part-time and multiple roles than men, so it could be that you have not hit the auto-enrolment threshold, but are still entitled to a workplace pension.

If you’re not currently employed, you won’t be able to benefit from a workplace scheme, but you can still consider your retirement income.

Make sure you’re receiving any National Insurance credits you’re eligible for (such as if you can receive child benefit). 

If your husband or partner is working, consider topping up your National Insurance contributions from their salary.

Gaps in your National Insurance record could mean you will not have enough contributions to get a state pension.

Similarly, consider making a Sipp (self-invested personal pension) provision from household income.

This can be set up with a lump sum and topped up on an ad hoc basis, or contributed to monthly as you would a workplace pension in employment. 

Another quick win – literally – is to know that investing does not have to take lots of time.

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