Scotland is the global leader for hybrid working approaches, with almost three quarters (71%) of finance professionals working this way – compared to 41% on a global scale.

This research, conducted by Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), was conducted among approximately 1,200 respondents at the end of last year.

Overall, there has been a slight decline in those working hybrid, and a slight increase in those working full time in the office, across Scotland.

Yet the survey reveals mixed views about the impact of hybrid working, with more professionals citing the challenges of team collaboration when working remotely; though most feel they can be more productive working this way.

While hybrid working remains highly popular in Scotland, the proportion of those working in a hybrid fashion has seen a slight decline since 2023, when 73% reported working in this way.

Across the UK, 21% of those surveyed are working full time in the office, while Scotland only has 17% of its financial professionals working in the office full time – the lowest of all the devolved UK nations – but still an increase on last year’s figure of 13%.

Of those working full-time in the office in Scotland, just under half (48%) said it was because their employer required it, while a third cited better productivity when working with colleagues in person.

Almost half (47%) agreed they found team collaboration harder when working remotely, but of the same group, 63% felt they were more productive working remotely, which was lower than the 68% who reported this across the UK as a whole.

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